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4 Reasons Why Your Diets SHOULD NOT be FAT FREE!

When trying to lose weight, the first thing we focus on is our diet.

We take advice from everyone.Some of these advisers are still struggling to lose weight.Some of them have awesome success stories to tell.So after talking to about ten fifteen of them you become even more confused!

Some of them will tell you to eat only 500 calories per day!Another one will say "I was on a fat free diet and I lost 8 pounds in one week!Isn't that amazing?"

Yes.May be they are not lying.You can lose 8 pounds or even more in one week by eating only 500 calories per day.You can lose weight fast by eating a fat free diet.

But, What is the point of losing weight and getting in shape if you are not healthy after your weight loss program ? What if you are in shape and look gorgeous but you cannot run 20 meters to catch the bus.I can go on, but I think you understand what I'm saying.

Let's see why your diets SHOULDN'T BE FAT FREE!

1.Fat free diets might cause weight gain!
One gram of fat contains 9 calories, while one gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories.
When we avoid fats completely, we have to eat more carbohydrates to fulfill our daily calorie requirements.
This can cause weight gain and to make matters worse, might lead to type 2 diabetes by developing an insulin resistance.

2.Fats are vital for good health.
Everyone knows fat act as an energy source.But there are some essential fatty acids that are required for some biological purposes as well.Therefore these fats are vital for your well being.

3.We cannot synthesize some fats in our bodies, so we have to include them in our diets.
Our body cannot produce alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) or linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) and they are vital for our well being.

4.Some vitamins are only soluble in fats.
The body cannot absorb these fat soluble vitamins if you are on a fat free diet.These vitamins are very important nutrients as they are essential for the following biological functions.

Vitamin A

  • Vision
  • Immune function
  • reproduction
  • breast-feeding.
  • cellular communication
  • healthy skin
  • teeth
  • skeletal and soft tissue
  • mucus membranes

Vitamin D

  • absorption of calcium and phosphate
  • maintaining strong bones
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Prevents high blood pressure
  • Prevents cancer

Vitamin E

  • It's antioxidant properties are useful in many ways.

Vitamin K

  • Lack of Vitamin K deficiency can lead to excessive bleeding

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How many calories in an egg

One whole, hard boiled, large egg (about 50g) contains:

78 calories

5.3 grams of fat (1.5 grams of saturated fat)

186 milligrams of cholesterol

1 gram of carbohydrate

6.29 grams of protein

One whole, raw, fresh, large egg (about 50g) contains:

72 calories

4.76 grams of fat (1.56 grams of saturated fat)

186 milligrams of cholesterol

0.5 grams of carbohydrate

6.28 grams of protein

One whole, cooked, fried, large egg (about 50g) contains:

98 calories

7.5 grams of fat (2.16 grams of saturated fat)

200 milligrams of cholesterol

0.6 grams of carbohydrate

6.8 grams of protein

Whole, cooked, scrambled egg contains:(Per 100g) 

150 calories

11 grams of fat (3.3 grams of of saturated fat)

277 milligrams of cholesterol

3 grams of carbohydrate

10 grams of protein

How many calories in an apple

A medium size apple (with skin-182g) contains 95 calories.

A large apple (with skin-223g) contains 116 calories.

100g of apple (with skin) contains 52.018 calories.


A good source of dietary fiber (2 grams per 100 grams - 10% of the daily requirement)

A good source of Vitamin C (4.56 milligrams per 100 grams - 8% of the daily requirement)

Very low in Saturated fat


Contains a large amount of sugar (10 grams per 100 grams)

How much should i weigh

Your optimal weight depends on your height.

You can use BMI - Body Mass Index to calculate your optimal weight.Healthy BMI range is 18.5 - 25.

Here is how you can calculate your optimal weight range.

Step 1:

Measure your height in meters.(Or measure your height in inches and convert it to meters by multiplying that by 0.0254)

Ex:If your height is 60 inches, your height is 60 x 0.0254 = 1.524m.

Step 2:

Now calculate the square of your height by multiplying your height by itself.

Ex:If your height is 1.524m, square of your height is 1.524 x 1.524 = 2.322576

Step 3:

Now we are almost done!

To calculate the minimum weight you should be at (in kilograms), multiply the number you obtained by 18.5

Ex:If you got 2.322576 as the square of your height, your minimum weight should be 2.322576 x 18.5 = 42.967656kg (let's round that up to 43 kg)

To calculate the maximum weight (in kilograms), multiply the number you obtained by 25.

Ex:If you got 2.322576 as the square of your height, your maximum weight is 2.322576 x 25 = 58.0644kg.

i.e If your height is 60 inches, your optimal weight range is 43 - 58 kilograms.

To convert kilograms to pounds, multiply it by 2.20462

Ex:58kg = 58 x 2.20462 = 127.86796 pounds.

How to calculate my BMI?
How many calories is the minimum per day
How many calories does it take to lose one pound
What is a healthy rate to lose or gain weight

How to gain weight

If you have to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, it's obvious that you have to increase your calorie intake to gain weight.

If you need 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight and if you eat 2500 calories per day, you have 500 extra calories.

These excess 500 calories of energy will be stored in fat stores for future use and as a result you gain weight.

If you continue to eat 2500 calories per day for a week, you have 500 x 7=3500 extra calories which were stored as fat in your fat stores.

Since 3500 calories is the rough estimate for the energy contained in one pound of fat, now you have gained one pound of weight.